Union Station Restaurant, Omaha, NE

Union Station Restaurant, Thanksgiving

Union Station Restaurant, Omaha, NE, 1948

What better way to conclude our presentation of Thanksgiving menus than with a happy chef presenting the plattered turkey to his grateful guests. As Craig Claiborne wrote in the New York Times, "One may or may not feast on ham or lamb at Easter. And a goose, or some other fowl, at Christmas is fir for a flip of the coin. But the last Thursday in November without turkey is a cause for depression." (Nov. 15, 1987)  We imagine there wasn't much depression at the Union Station Restaurant in Omaha that Thanksgiving as diners could chose not only turkey but also oysters, chicken, veal, ham, lobster, trout, duck, or steak. Finish the meal off with hot mince pie, fresh pumpkin pie, or English plum pudding, and both chef and sated guest must be smiling!

From the Culinary Institute of America Menu Collection, Chapman S. Root Menu Collection, menu 7-7463.

Union Station Restaurant, Omaha, NE