
Rose Blanket, 96" x 84", 1785-1815
This blanket, known as rose blanket or compass rose, was imported from England. These blankets were relatively common and could be purchased at a local store for a low-cost. Referred to as a 9/4 rose blanket, meaning it was 9 quarters of a yard (about 81") wide, with four corner designs measuring 16 inch. Woven in a plain "tabby" weave, with stripes which were used as guides for the weavers to measure and cut. Grey cross-stiched initials "H.B" are visible and believed to be Hylah Bevier's before her married in 1821. This rose blanket was found in the bottom of a large chest, which kept its condition very good.

Woven Blanket, wool
Red, black and tan wool plaid woven blanket with cross-stitched inscription in white "L T HB". Center seam, with a 1.5" self-fridge on all sides. The inscripition refers to Laura Tallmadge Hasbrouck, born in 1834.