Church Events

Haviland-Heidgerd Historical Collection
The A.M.E. Zion Church of New Paltz was known for its frequent church events that welcomed the entire town. They held many events and meetings throughout the year from sociables to Christmas parties to weekly Sunday school. The reasons for the church holding so many events throughout its presence vary depending on its priorities. The church held ice cream festivals and sociables many times throughout a given year to repay back the money borrowed from Edmond Eltinge. They usually charged admissions fees ranging from 10- 25 cents per person. However, they did hold other events unrelated to financial issues such as quarterly meetings, and Sabbath school concerts. Below is a list of popular events that were published in newspapers throughout the church’s presence in New Paltz.
Social gatherings:
- Sociables - Gatherings held for the benefit of the church in various locations of the congregation such as Fulton Cox and Jacob Rose.
- Ice Cream & strawberry socials
- Festivals
Church Meetings:
- Quarterly Meetings
- Camp Meeting
- Grove Meeting
- Love Feast - Also known as Agape meal, usually done in Christian congregations. A gathering to remember the meal that Jesus shared with his disciples and to celebrate brotherhood.
- Turkey and oyster suppers