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Mary Powell Captain Arthur Warrington, c. 1917, in her last year of service. Donald C. Ringwald Collection, Hudson River Maritime Museum.

Mary Powell orchestra, taken at Albany, October 12, 1901. L-R: John Collins, flute; W. L. Dobbs, clarinet; W. Reynolds, coronet; Isaac Collins, violin; Frank Boch, trombone (tuba?); Harry Boch, piano; F. Reynolds, bass. Courtesy G. M. Mastropaolo,…

Mary Powell crew. Mate Philip Mains, center. Deckhands from top left clockwise: Ed Bridge, Robert Stenson, second mate, Elmer Durr, Cornelius E. Keyser, Frank M. Sass and Algot J. Benson. Undated. Donald C. Ringwald Collection, Hudson River Maritime…

Crew of the steamboat Mary Powell posing on deck. 1st row: Fannie Anthony stewardess; 4th from left, Pilot Hiram Briggs; 5th, Capt. A.Eltinge Anderson (with paper); 6th Purser Joseph Reynolds, Jr. Standing 3rd from left: Barber(with bow tie). Other…

Deck hands and either engineer or water tender (Black man in white shirt with tie) of the Mary Powell, standing next to a fire hose. Third from left — Arthur Warrington. Donald C. Ringwald Collection, Hudson River Maritime Museum.

7 members of Mary Powell crew on deck, 1908. In back row, second from left is first pilot William B. Mains and second from right is Philip Mains, mate. Front row left is Arthur A. Warrington. Hudson River Maritime Museum collection.


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Advertisement for Mary Powell excursion to New York City, “Hear Bill Sunday,” to coincide with the Billy Sunday revivals. June 1, 1917. Donald C. Ringwald Collection, Hudson River Maritime Museum.
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