A small 17th century brass button found in excavations in Amsterdam and Historic Huguenot Street. This button most likely belonged to a man’s jacket or coat as the buttons in a man’s jackets and coats in the 17th century Dutch fashion were very small, numerous, decorative, and functional (“History of Buttons”).

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A small 17th century brass button found in excavations in Amsterdam and Historic Huguenot Street. This button most likely belonged to a man’s jacket or coat as the buttons in a man’s jackets and coats in the 17th century Dutch fashion were very small, numerous, decorative, and functional (“History of Buttons”).




Button 1 copy.jpg


“A small 17th century brass button found in excavations in Amsterdam and Historic Huguenot Street. This button most likely belonged to a man’s jacket or coat as the buttons in a man’s jackets and coats in the 17th century Dutch fashion were very small, numerous, decorative, and functional (“History of Buttons”).,” Hudson River Valley Heritage Exhibits, accessed March 14, 2025, https://omeka2.hrvh.org/items/show/602.

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  1. Button 1 copy.jpg